CKD Navigation - by experienced MD for:

  • Patients
  • Doctors
  • MD office staff
  • Hospital discharge planners
  • Dialysis units

Kidney Disease           Education if:

- Chronic kidney disease (CKD), or

- Excess urine protein, or

- Want to prevent CKD, or

- At risk for CKD due to obesity, diabetes, high BP, prior heart attack, stroke, PAD, prior acute kidney injury, stones,          family with CKD, etc



Our credentials

All Aloha Kidney classes and telephonic CKD navigation are provided by a retired kidney specialist (nephrologist). 

If eGFR is less than 30 . . .

 fill out form below for Options on demand.  Within 2 days you will receive the password to view the Options class recording in the "Classes and CKD navigation" section.

It is important to discuss further with your doctor(s), healthcare team and loved ones, after viewing to individualize planning and share in making decisions to best reach your goals.